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- AB0747 MATERNAL AND FETAL OUTCOMES IN PREGNANT WOMEN WITH JUVENILE IDIOPATHIC ARTHRITIS: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEWPublication . Pinheiro Torres, R; Fernandes Lourenco, MH; Neto, A; Pimentel Dos Santos, F; Silva, I; Mourão, AF; Donato, H; Costa, M; Branco, J
- Acta Médica Portuguesa e o Peer-review: Quick and Brutal!Publication . Donato, H; Tato Marinho, R
- Advanced Maternal Age: Adverse Outcomes of Pregnancy, A Meta-AnalysisPublication . Pinheiro, RL; Areia, AL; Mota Pinto, A; Donato, HINTRODUCTION: The risks of pregnancy in women of advanced maternal age are not consensual amongst studies. The aim of this metaanalysis was to determine whether women of advanced maternal age (≥ 35 years old) had worse obstetrical and perinatal outcomes than non- advanced maternal age women (20 - 34 years old) in singleton, naturally-conceived pregnancies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We searched PubMed/ MEDLINE, IndexRMP and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Ten studies were included according to the following criteria: population of > 1000 nulliparous and/or multiparous women with singleton gestations who did not undergo any type of infertility treatment. Using Review Manager v. 5.3, two meta-analysis were performed: one comparing the outcomes of 20 - 34-year-old vs 35 - 40-year-old women, and another comparing the outcomes of 35 - 40-year-old women vs > 40-year-old women. RESULTS: Women aged 35 - 40 years old were more likely to have > 12 years of education than 20 - 34 years old and > 40 years old women. Advanced maternal age women (35 - 40 and > 40 years old) were more likely to be overweight and having gestational diabetes and gestational hypertension. They were also more likely to undergo induced labour and elective caesarean deliveries. Furthermore, they had worse perinatal outcomes such as preterm delivery, low birthweight babies, higher rates of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit admission and worse Apgar scores. Advanced maternal age women had higher rates of perinatal mortality and stillbirth. DISCUSSION: Most authors present similar results to our study. Although the majority of adverse outcomes can be explained through the physio-pathological changes regarding the female reproductive apparatus that come with aging and its inherent comorbidities, according to the existing literature advanced maternal age can be an independent risk factor per se. In older pregnant women without comorbidities such as gestational hypertension or diabetes there are still worse obstetric and perinatal outcomes, which indicate that advanced maternal age is an independent strong risk factor alone. CONCLUSION: Advanced maternal age women are at a higher risk of adverse obstetrical and perinatal outcomes. In both comparisons, worse outcomes were more prevalent in the older group, suggesting that poorer outcomes are more prevalent with increasing age.
- Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Scientific PublishingPublication . Donato, H
- Autoria na Publicação CientíficaPublication . Donato, H
- Avaliação da Produção Científica na Área da Medicina Geral e Familiar em PortugalPublication . Fonseca Marques, JP; Santiago, LM; Donato, HIntroduction: The Portuguese publications in the field of General Practice and Family Medicine have not yet been assessed in bibliometric studies. The aim of this study was to analyze that production between 2012 and 2022. Methods: The Web of Science Core Collection was used to gather the number of articles, journals and citations obtained; the Journal Citation Reports to obtain the Impact Factor and quartile of journals; and Scimago Journal & Country Rank, for the comparison of data with other European countries. The search was based on the following query: "usf OR unidade de Saude Familiar OR centro de Saude OR ACeS OR medicina geral familiar OR Gen Practice Family SAME Portugal", and a time window between 2012 and 2022 was defined. The study considered the following quantitative indicators: total number of publications, typology, language, affiliation, co-authors, geographical distribution, thematic areas, and the number of publications/inhabitant and publications/physician from European countries; the qualitative indicators selected were the Impact Factor (IF), the quartile and the number of citations. Results: Between 2012 and 2022, the national scientific production had an average annual growth rate of 36.6%. Of 389 publications, 73.8% were 'Articles' and 11.8% were 'Review Articles', predominantly in English (88.4%). The fields of 'General Internal Medicine' (24.7%) and 'Public Environmental Health' (14.9%) had the highest publication rates among the journals. The 389 publications received 5354 citations, for an average of 13.76 citations per article, and the average yearly citation growth was 115%. According to IF, 22.5% of the 222 journals belonged to Q4, 27.5% to Q3, 29.7% to Q2 and 20.3% to Q1, and therefore no significant bias regarding the journals where Portuguese doctors publish was observed. Conclusion: The bibliometric analysis allowed us to examine the evolution of the scientific production in the field of Portuguese General Practice and Family Medicine by observing an increasing publication trend and with a high potential for publication growth.
- Bibliometria do Cancro em Portugal: 1997 a 2006Publication . Donato, H; Oliveira, CFIntrodução: Analisou-se a produção científica das instituições portuguesas na área específica da Oncologia, durante um período de 10 anos, 1997 a 2006. Verificou-se a contribuição dos autores nacionais na produção científica internacional, o que permitiu julgar e quantificar a importância de autores, departamentos, instituições e investigações científicas. Material e Métodos: Usando a versão de 2006 da Web of Science,a secção Science Citation Index, base de dados de referências bibliográficas que permite análise de citações, e do Journal Citation Reports, ferramentas produzidas pela ISI Thomson Scientific, realizou-se uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa da produção científica portuguesa sobre o cancro entre o período de 1997 a 2006. Resultados: Durante o período estudado produziram-se 1.811 artigos publicados em revistas com factor de impacto atribuído, que obtiveram um total de 24.803 citações, o que dá uma média de 13,70 citações por artigo. Entre 1997 e 2006 verificou-se um crescimento de 202% da produção científica nacional na área que seleccionámos. Dez autores são responsáveis por 45% dos documentos produzidos. A maioria dos trabalhos publicados foram realizados pelas Universidades, sendo a Universidade do Porto a que mais publicou. A regra na produção de artigos é a co-autoria, e Portugal não é excepção. Os artigos efectuados em colaboração internacional foram os que obtiveram um maior número de citações. A contribuição portuguesa para a produção científica internacional na área da Oncologia no período estudado foi de 1,8%. Conclusões: A análise bibliométrica é um recurso credível para avaliar o desenvolvimento e a qualidade da produção científica. Observou-se uma crescente visibilidade da investigação nesta temática, avaliada pelo aumento do número de artigos publicados em revistas internacionais de grande prestígio reconhecido. Os autores nacionais publicam poucos trabalhos, mas fazem-no em revistas de qualidade.
- Caminhos para a IndexaçãoPublication . Donato, H
- Clinical Performance of CAD/CAM Tooth-Supported Ceramic Restorations: A Systematic ReviewPublication . Alves de Carvalho, IF; Santos Marques, TM; Araújo, FM; Azevedo, LF; Donato, H; Correia, AOwing to an increased demand for safe and esthetically pleasing dental materials, ceramics have been developed and optimized to rehabilitate anterior and posterior teeth. This evolution in ceramic materials is directly related to the development of sophisticated processing technologies and systems for use in dental medicine, particularly computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) technology. This study is a systematic review outlining long-term clinical survival rates of single-tooth restorations fabricated with CAD/CAM technology with a minimum follow-up of 3 years. A bibliographic search up to September 2016 was performed using two databases: MEDLINE (PubMed) and Embase. Selected keywords and well-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria guided the search of relevant results. All articles were first reviewed by title, then by abstract, and subsequently by a full text reading. Data were assessed and extracted through a standardized form. The pooled results were statistically analyzed, and the overall failure rate was calculated by random effects model. Reported failures were analyzed by CAD/CAM system, type of restoration, restorative material, and luting agent. From a total of 2,916 single-tooth restorations with a mean exposure time of 7.0 years and 351 failures, the failure rate was 2.17% per year, estimated per 100 restoration years (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.35% to 3.51%). The estimated total survival rate after 5 years was 89.7% (95% CI: 88.1% to 91.1%). The overall survival rate of single-tooth ceramic restorations fabricated with CAD/CAM technology was similar to those conventionally manufactured.