Browsing by Author "Faria, D"
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- Enterocolite necrosante: experiência de catorze anosPublication . Paul, A; Ferreira, S; Resende, C; Faria, DBackgound: Necrotizing enterocolitis ((NEC) is one of most frequent gastrointestinal emergencies in the neonatal period. Aims: To evaluate the incidência, epidemiology, risk factors and clinical outcomes of newborns with necrotizing enterocolitis admitted to a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) . Methods: Casuistic review of newborns with NEC adtmitted to a level III unit, from January 1995 to 31 December 2008. Results: Thirty nine patients were diagnosed: 0,8‰ of live birth, 1% of NICU admissions, 4% of very low birth weight (VLBW) and 9,5% of extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants. Thirty eight (97%) were preterm and 85% had a gestational age (GA) of 31 weeks or less. Birth weight and GA were 1136±725g and 27,9±3,5 weeks. The prevalence for light for gestational age status was 20,5%. Forty four had blood transfusion and 36% received indomethacin treatment. Enteral feeding was started before the diagnosis of NEC in 37 (95%) newborns and 59% had breast milk feeding. NEC stage III occurred in 24 (61,5%), 67% of those had progression of milk intake < 20mg/Kg/d and 83% had rapid progression of milk intake (p=0,43). Nineteen (48,7%) were submitted to surgical intervention. The letality rate was 31%, 50% of NEC stage IIIB and 21,0% of surgical cases. Intestinal strictures and short bowel syndrome occurred in 2 cases, respectively. Conclusions: The incidence of NEC was 0,8‰ live births and 4% in VLBW. It is not possible to conclude about differences in incidence and severity of NEC with the rate of progression of milk intake.
- Gestações gemelares após PMA versus gestações gemelares espontâneas: avaliação comparativa das complicações obstétricas e dos resultados neonataisPublication . Figueiredo, S; Dionísio, T; Faria, D; Almeida, MC; Oliveira, B; Santos-Silva, I
- Hipertiroidismo neonatal transitórioPublication . Jerónimo, M; Moinho, R; Nunes-Vicente, I; Oliveira, A; Dias, A; Mimoso, G; Dinis, I; Mirante, A; Faria, DGraves’ disease is the main cause of hyperthyroidism in women of childbearing age. It occurs by the presence of serum immunoglobulins which stimulate the thyrotropin receptor (TRAbs) and may cross the placenta. It has serious consequences when uncontrolled, leading to fetal and/or neonatal hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. The authors describe the case of a newborn from a mother with poorly controlled Graves’ disease during pregnancy. He had an uneventful early neonatal period but developed hyperthyroidism in the second week of life. He was treated for two days with propranolol to manage tachycardia and metimazol during 4 months, with favourable clinical and laboratory outcome. During pregnancy, it is essential to control thyroid function and TRAbs in women with Graves’ disease. Newborns should be screened for thyroid function at birth and must have a regular follow up as it allows the diagnosis of transient hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism and its early treatment, avoiding short and long term complications. Based on this case and literature review, the authors present a proposal of protocol in infants born to mothers with Graves’ disease.
- MÓDULO 3 - Neonatologia e Cuidados Intensivos PediátricosPublication . Brito, C; Rodrigues, F; Oliveira, G; Lopes, MF; Brito, MJ; Farela-Neves, J; Ramos, C; Mesquita, J; Lemos, C; Pinto, C; Dionísio, T; Fonseca, M; Taborda, A; Coelho, L; Dinis, A; Resende, C; Faria, D; Morais, S; Mimoso, G; Dias, A
- Neonatal Appendicitis – an Uncommon Diagnosis, not to be ForgottenPublication . Gil, AT; Morais, S; Faria, DAcute appendicitis is a common disease in older children, but extremely rare in the neonate. Nevertheless, the true incidence might be underestimated, given the difficulty of the diagnosis. Subtle clinical signs and symptoms usually result in high morbidity and mortality due to delayed diagnosis and surgical intervention. The presentation of neonatal appendicitis can be identical to necrotizing enterocolitis, leading to misdiagnosis. Appendicitis should therefore be considered in the differential diagnosis for necrotizing enterocolitis and needs strong clinical suspicion. We report a case of a premature newborn who presented with vomiting, abdominal distension and free intra-peritoneal air on plain x-ray. He was initially diagnosed and treated as necrotizing enterocolitis, but the absence of clinical improvement with standard treatment led to exploratory laparotomy. Surgical exploration revealed an acutely inflamed appendix with normal small and large intestines and appendectomy was performed. The post-operatory period was uneventful and the infant was discharged home. Follow-up confirmed a normal growth and neurodevelopment. We herein report this case in order to raise awareness to this unusual pathology, so that an early diagnosis and treatment can lead to a better outcome, improving survival rate and reducing long term morbidity. We believe uncommon pathologies, like neonatal appendicitis, should be reported to facilitate proper epidemiologic studies.
- Plagiocefalia posicional: como actuar?Publication . Brett, A; Cordinhã, C; Faria, D; Mimoso, G; Salgado, M
- Sépsis neonatal – análise retrospectiva de 2004 a 2006 da Maternidade Bissaya BarretoPublication . Maia, C; Paúl, A; Mesquita, J; Santos-Silva, I; Negrão, F; Faria, DIntrodução: As doenças infecciosas são uma causa frequente de morbi- -mortalidade no período neonatal. O conhecimento da epidemiologia de cada unidade é um factor decisivo para o sucesso da antibioterapia empírica. Objectivos: Caracterizar os episódios de sépsis neonatal (SNN) ocorridos de Janeiro de 2004 a Dezembro de 2006 na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais (UCIN) da Maternidade Bissaya Barreto. Material e métodos: Estudo descritivo retrospectivo dos processos clínicos dos recém-nascidos com o diagnóstico de SNN. Definiu-se sépsis com confirmação laboratorial se dois ou mais critérios clínicos compatíveis, associados a um dos seguintes critérios laboratoriais: a) identificação de qualquer agente patogénico bacteriano na hemocultura ou no líquor cefalo-raquídeo; b) identificação de Staphylococcus coagulase negativo na presença de proteína C reactiva >2,0 mg/dl ou plaquetas <100.000/μl ou relação neutrófilos imaturos / neutrófilos totais >0,2. Definiu-se sépsis clínica quando se verificou: instituição de terapêutica antibiótica durante 5 dias, hemocultura negativa ou não pedida, ausência de infecção noutro local e dois ou mais critérios clínicos compatíveis. No caso de sépsis clínica deveria haver pelo menos também um dos seguintes: proteína C reactiva >2,0 mg/dl; leucócitos >30.000 ou <5.000/μl; relação neutrófilos imaturos / neutrófilos totais >0,2; plaquetas <100 000/μl. Considerou-se SNN precoce ou tardia, respectivamente se início até ou após as 72 horas de vida. Resultados: Cumpriram critérios de inclusão 61 episódios infecciosos (16 precoces e 45 tardios), correspondendo a 58 recém-nascidos. Destes, 50% apresentavam peso de nascimento inferior a 1500 gramas. A idade gestacional variou entre as 25 e as 41 semanas, com mediana de 30 semanas. Da amostra considerada, 45 (73,8%) foram sépsis com confirmação laboratorial e 16 (26,2%) foram sépsis clínicas. Os gérmens isolados foram 26 (57,8%) Staphylococcus coagulase negativos – 17 (37,8%) Staphylococcus epidermidis, 9 (20,0%) outros Staphylococcus coagulase negativos; 9 (20,0%) Escherichia coli; 6 (13,3%) Staphylococcus aureus; 2 (4,4%) Streptococcus do grupo B; 1 (2,2%) Proteus mirabilis; 1 (2,2%) Cândica albicans.A percentagem de resistências da Escherichia coli à ampicilina foi de 77,8%. Houve dois Staphylococcus aureus meticilino-resistentes, ambos sensíveis à vancomicina. Faleceram 6 recém-nascidos com SNN. Comentários: Os nossos resultados estão de acordo com os estudos nacionais e internacionais sobre SNN, salientando-se contudo o diminuto número de Streptococcus do grupo B isolados e o maior número de Escherichia coli, com uma elevada percentagem de estirpes ampicilino- resistentes. A mortalidade relacionada com a SNN encontra-se dentro dos dados referidos na literatura.
- Twin pregnancy complicated by vasa previaPublication . Carnide, C; Jerónimo, M; Faria, D; Silva, ISPerinatal morbidity and mortality rates for vasa previa are high when it is not diagnosed antenatally. In this report, a case of vasa previa in a twin pregnancy was diagnosed postnatally, which leads to complications with the first twin. Serial ultrasound during pregnancy did not diagnose a bilobed placenta, a velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord or vasa previa. At 37 weeks, vaginal bleeding was detected in the expulsive stage and vaginal-assisted delivery of both fetuses was undertaken. The first fetus was born pale and anaemic, and required a blood transfusion and therapeutic hypothermia. A high risk of vasa previa is associated with placentas with low-lying insertion, bilobed placentas, velamentous insertions of the umbilical cord, multiple pregnancy and pregnancies conceived after the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Transvaginal ultrasound screening with colour flow Doppler can allow antenatal diagnoses of vasa previa and an improved outcom
- Ventilação não invasiva com pressão positiva intermitente - experiência de 7 anosPublication . Resende, C; Fonseca, M; Mesquita, J; Faria, D; Mimoso, G; Lemos, CIntroduction: Nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) is a non invasive ventilation method that combines the benefits of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) and the cycles of positive pressure. Objectives: Description of the NIPPV experience in a neonatal intensive care unit. Methods: A descriptive study of newborns ventilated with NIPPV, from January 2002 to December 2008. Were considered two groups: the first group had mechanical ventilation before NIPPV, and in the second group the initial method was non-invasive ventilation. These 2 groups were subdivided: Group 1: sub-group A, NIPPV immediately after weaning and sub- group B, NIPPV after mechanical ventilation followed by NCPAP. The group 2 was sub-divided in sub-group C, NIPPV after NCPAP, and sub-group D, NIPPV as the initial mode of ventilation. Results: In group 1 we analysed 79 cycles of ventilation with 89% of success and in group 2 55 cycles, with 69% of success. Newborns in group 1 had a median weight of 925g and gestational age of 27 weeks and the group 2 had 1350g and 30 weeks, respectively. Conclusions: NIPPV was used mainly after conventional ventilation in lighter and immature babies, without relevant complications.