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Factores de recorrência das lesões intraepiteliais do colo do útero

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MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study (1994-1996) of 282 cases of intraepithelial lesions treated in the Gynecology Services of Coimbra University Hospitals and subsequent follow-up (9-45 months). The following parameters were evaluated as recurrence factors: the patient's age, lesion degree, associated HPV infection, treatment type, safety margin in the ablative treatments and interval free of illness. RESULTS: Of the 282 cases, 72.4% (N = 204) corresponded to HSIL and 27.6% (N = 78) to LSIL. The patients' mean was 36.3 +/- 9.1 [19-67] years. The most commonly used treatment types were the LLETZ (large loop excision of the transformation zone) (76.9%) followed by CO2 LASER vaporization (16%) and finally cold-knife conization (7.1%). The safety margins were determined in 184 cases and, on average, were of 3.2 +/- 2.4 [1-10] mm. Forty-four recurrences occurred (15.6%) of which 75% corresponded to HSIL lesions (N = 33) and 25% (N = 11) to LSIL. From the total number of recurrences the association to HPV infection was found in 24 of the cases (54.5%) and 75% of these (N = 19) corresponded to HSIL. The average age in the recurrence group was 38.2 +/- 8.7 [21-53] years and 35.9 +/- 9.2 [19-67] years in the group without recurrences (p > 0.05). In the LSIL group treated with CO2 LASER (N = 32) the recurrence rate was 15.6% versus 13.3% in the group treated with LLETZ (N = 45). In the HSIL that were treated with CO2 LASER vaporization (N = 13) the recurrence rate was 23%; in those treated with LLETZ (N = 172) there were 16.2% recurrences and in the group submitted to cold-knife conization (N = 19) that rate was 10.5%. CONCLUSIONS: The total rate of recurrence was 15.6% with the greatest incidence of lesions associated to HPV (p > 0.05). Regarding the particular case of the HSIL, a great number of recurrences with the destructive treatments (CO2 LASER) was observed when compared to the ablative treatments (cold-knife conization or LLETZ).



Neoplasias do Colo do Útero Neoplasia Intraepitelial do Colo do Útero Recidiva Local de Neoplasia


Acta Med Port. 2000 Sep-Dec;13(5-6):259-63

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Centro Editor Livreiro da Ordem dos Médicos


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