Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2005"
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- Independent patterns of damage within magno-, parvo- and koniocellular pathways in Parkinson's diseasePublication . Silva, MF; Regateiro, FS; Forjaz, V; Januário, C; Freire-Gonçalves, A; Castelo-Branco, MSensory deficits have been documented in Parkinson's disease, in particular within the visual domain. However, ageing factors related to the brain and to neural and non-neural ocular structures could explain some of the previously reported results, in particular the claimed impairment within the koniocellular pathway. This study addressed visual impairment attributable to the magno- (luminance), parvo- (red-green) and koniocellular (blue-yellow) pathways in a population of Parkinson's disease patients. To avoid potentially confounding factors, all subjects underwent a full neurophthalmological assessment which led to exclusion of subjects with increased intraocular pressure, diabetes even in the absence of retinopathy, and ocular abnormalities (from a total of 72 patients' eyes, 12 were excluded). Both parvo- and koniocellular pathways were studied by means of contrast sensitivity (CS) measurements along protan, tritan and deutan axes and also by fitting chromatic discrimination ellipses using eight measured contrast axes. Magnocellular function was assessed, using stimuli that induce a frequency doubling illusion, in 17 locations in the fovea and periphery. Achromatic (luminance modulation) thresholds were significantly higher in Parkinson's disease both in foveal and peripheral locations. A significant impairment was observed along protan and deutan axes, but only marginally along the tritan axis. These results were corroborated by a significant elongation of chromatic discrimination ellipses in our Parkinson's disease group. Correlation analysis showed that achromatic and chromatic CS measures were independent, which implies that multiple visual pathways are affected independently in Parkinson's disease. Magnocellular impairment was significantly correlated with age and disease stage, in contrast to the measured chromatic deficits. We conclude that in Parkinson's disease, independent damage occurs in the early magno- and parvocellular pathways. Furthermore, traditional koniocellular probing strategies in Parkinson's disease may be confounded by ageing factors, which may reconcile the previously reported controversial findings concerning chromatic impairment in Parkinson's disease.
- Sentinel lymph node sites in patients with primary cutaneous melanoma of the legs and feetPublication . Vieira, R; Freitas, JD; Cardoso, R; Lourenço, C; Duarte, H; Moreira, A; Oliveira, S; Vieira, F; Pedroso de Lima, J; Figueiredo, A
- Epidemiologia da gestação múltipla: casuística de 15 anosPublication . Rodrigues, CT; Branco, MR; Ferreira, ID; Nordeste, A; Fonseca, M; Taborda, A; Santos-Silva, I; Almeida, MCBetween January of 1987 and December of 2001 were born 1243 twins related to 609 multiple pregnancies, in Maternidade Bissaya-Barreto. Data were grouped in periods of three years and several parameters were studied. The rate of multiple gestation has increased probably due to the contribution of the assisted conception techniques, and to the increase of the number of multiple fetal pregnancies (two or more) and to the increase of the mother age. These more frequent obstetric problems were preterm birth, gestational hypertension and abnormal sonographic data of fetal growth. The average age of delivery was 34 weeks and the birth weight has decreased. The most important factors for neonatal morbidity were hyaline membranous disease, intraventricular haemorrhage and the twin-twin transfusion syndrome. The neonatal mortality decreased in the last studied period.
- Síndrome de Meigs: a propósito de um caso clínicoPublication . Custódio, AS; Marinho, C; Dias, M; Oliveira, CF
- Contact sensitizers downregulate the expression of the chemokine receptors CCR6 and CXCR4 in a skin dendritic cell linePublication . Cruz, MT; Gonçalo, Margarida; Paiva, A; Morgado, JM; Figueiredo, A; Duarte, CB; Lopes, MCChemokines are involved in the control of dendritic cell (DC) trafficking, which is critical for the immune response, namely in allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). In this work, we investigated by flow cytometry the effect of the contact sensitizers 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB), 1,4-phenylenediamine (PPD) and nickel sulfate (NiSO(4)), on the surface expression of the chemokine receptors CCR6 and CXCR4 in DC. As an experimental model of a DC we used a fetal skin-derived dendritic cell line (FSDC), which has morphological, phenotypical and functional characteristics of skin DC. Our results show that all the skin sensitizers studied decreased the membrane expression of the chemokine receptors CCR6 and CXCR4. In contrast, 2,4-dichloronitrobenzene (DCNB), the inactive analogue of DNFB without contact sensitizing properties, was without effect on the surface expression of these receptors. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which induces the maturation of DC, also reduced surface CCR6 and CXCR4 expression.
- Tratamento cirúrgico dos hematomas intracerebraisPublication . Barbosa, MD
- Citologia de aspirados por agulha fina ecoendoscopicamente guiada na avaliação de massas pancreáticas suspeitas de malignidadePublication . Urbano, M; Portela, F; Pontes, JM; Barroso, M; Fernandes, G; Calhau, CA; Gouveia, H; Leitão, M; Freitas, D
- A simple intra-operative maneuver to decrease a duodenal ulcer hemorrhage temporarily: description and anatomical basesPublication . Bernardes, A; Dionísio, J; Diogo, D; Coelho, P; Patrício, JIntraoperative hemostatic suture to treat a bleeding duodenal ulcer is sometimes difficult when there is massive hemorrhage. The aims of this paper are: (1) to describe a practical and easy intraoperative procedure which quickly decreases a massively bleeding duodenal ulcer, allowing the surgeon to identify the bleeding site clearly and obtain definitive hemostasis by suturing the involved vessels with a low risk of common bile duct lesion; and (2) to study in cadavers the anatomical basis of this surgical procedure already successfully performed on patients. Fourteen patients with massive duodenal ulcer bleeding, after unsuccessful endoscopic hemostasis, were operated on and included in this study. After surgical anterior gastroduodenotomy, the surgeon introduced a finger in a downward and forward direction in the bursa omentalis vestibule through the omental foramen. This simple and quick procedure decreased hemorrhage by compressing the gastroduodenal artery against the first part of the posterior surface of the duodenum. Twenty-four fresh blocks of normal tissue were removed from cadavers and were injected with silicone rubber through the common hepatic artery. The distance between the gastroduodenal artery and the omental foramen was measured. With this maneuver the surgeon can clearly see the exact bleeding site and perform an adequate suture with a minor risk of common bile duct lesion.
- Gânglio sentinela no cancro da vulva, colo e endométrioPublication . Correia, P; Oliveira, V; Cruz, I; Duarte, H; Lourenço, C; Amaral, N; Mota, F; Silva, T; Lapa, P; Pedroso de Lima, J; Oliveira, CF
- Imunoterapia específica: avaliação dinâmica e cinética in vivo do extracto terapêutico em doentes alérgicosPublication . Pereira, C; Botelho, F; Tavares, B; Lourenço, C; Baeta, C; Palma-Carlos, A; Pedroso de Lima, J; Chieira, C