Browsing by Author "Paiva, I"
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- Diabetes mellitus e cirurgia: preparação do doente diabético para cirurgiaPublication . Paiva, IThe perioperative management of diabetic patients implies glicemic normalization before, during and after the procedure. Insulin therapy is always necessary when general anesthesia is considered, and in most cases of epidural analgesia. When ambulatory surgery is envisaged, the usual hypoglycemic treatment can be maintained, provided that a sufficiently good metabolic control is documented. The pathophysiological mechanisms for insulin-resistance in these situations are reviewed, as are the procedures for general clinical evaluation of the patient. The estimation of insulin needs, the problems related with the suspension of oral antidiabetic drugs and the description of the most usual schemes of intensive insulin therapy (namely those of continuous intravenous insulin infusion) are also detailed.
- A diabetes na quarta idade: a nossa realidadePublication . Paiva, I; Baptista, C; Ribeiro, C; Leitão, P; Carvalheiro, MAIM: To evaluate the impact of the aging of our population in the growing of diabetes prevalence, among patients treated inward at our department. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The clinical files of 242 diabetics older than eighty years, treated between 1999 and 2002 were studied retrospectively. Demographic (sex, age, year of first contact), clinical (causes of admission, co-morbidities, duration of diabetes, previous hypoglycaemic treatment, duration of hospitalisation and evolution) and biochemical (glycaemia, HbA1c, lipaemia and C-peptide) data were recorded. RESULTS: A progressive rising in the number of aged patients was found during this period (seven in 1999 to 55 in 2002), with a large proportion of women (73%). The more frequent causes of in-hospital treatment were hyperglycaemia (20.6%) and feet ulcers (septic or necrotic) (16.5%). In nearly 42% of the cohort an acute infection was found. Diabetes was unknown in 13% of cases and less than ten years of duration in 38%. In this cohort most of the patients (77%) were treated with oral hypoglycaemic drugs, mostly sulfonylureas. HbA1c mean value was 10.4 +/- 2.2%; C -peptide was measured in a subset of cases (n=79), suggesting deficient insulin secretion in 18% of them. The global mean duration of hospitalisation was eleven days. Nineteen patients (8%) died during the hospitalization. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we concluded that diabetes in people older than 75 years, is being progressively more often diagnosed. The general metabolic control was bad (HbA1c mean value--10.4 +/- 2.2%), with a significant number of patients presenting a deficient C-peptide secretion, worsened by frequent coexisting infections. So, a strengthened clinical care, directed to a careful diagnosis and treatment, may effectively contribute to a better prognosis and quality of life of aged diabetic patients.
- Feocromocitoma: actualizações no diagnóstico e tratamentoPublication . Santos, J; Paiva, I; Carvalheiro, M
- Hipercortisolismo Recorrente: Após Remoção de Adenoma Hipofisário Secretor de ACTH Associado a Macronódulo da Glândula Supra-RenalPublication . Santos, J; Paiva, I; Gomes, L; Batista, C; Geraldes, E; Rito, M; Velez, A; Oliveira, F; Carvalheiro, MA 29 years old patient was sent to our Outpatient Clinic of Endocrinology presenting clinic of hypercortisolism. Laboratorial study: High urinary free cortisol (UFC); serum cortisol - 25 microg/dl (8 am) (5-25) and 20 microg/dL (11pm); ACTH - 20 pg/mL (9-52) (8 am) and 14 pg/mL (11 pm); serum cortisol after dexamethasone suppression test: 14,9 mg/dL; CRH test: elevation of ACTH; Pituitary MRI: microadenoma; abdominal CT: nodule on the left adrenal. During inferior petrosal sinus sampling with CRH stimulation, ACTH reached 368 pg/mL on the right and 136 pg/mL on the left side. The patient was submitted to transsphenoidal surgery. After surgery, hypertension and physical stigmata improved. In 2006, a relapse of Cushing syndrome was suspected due to worsening of hypertension and increase of weight. A slight increase of UFC, undetectable ACTH and serum cortisol after dexamethasone suppression test equal to 16 microg/dL were found. On abdominal CT, the adrenal nodule kept the same characteristics. In December 2006, the patient was submitted to left adrenalectomy. After surgery, blood pressure normalized, UFC and serum cortisol were reduced, needing substitutive therapy. Progressive tapering of hydrocortisone doses lead to discontinuation in March 2007. He is clinically well, without any treatment. This is an unusual case, in which after surgical cure of Cushing disease, secretory autonomy of a coexisting adrenal nodule occurred. This clinical case is relevant, pointing out the complexity of hypercortisolism cases and the need of long follow-up.
- Hipofisite Auto-imune ou LinfocíticaPublication . Paiva, I; Gomes, L; Ribeiro, C; Carvalheiro, M; Ruas, AThis entity, due to the pituitary lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, was described for the first time in 1962. The clinical suspicion relies on a rapidly progressing hypopituitarism, particularly with adrenal involvement, affecting women in the peripartum period or patients with previously recognized autoimmune disease. Diabetes insipidus is also often reported. A sellar mass is found in 80% of cases. The diagnosis is confirmed by histology, due to the absence of a specific serological test. The endocrine deficiencies are frequently definitive. Corticotherapy is usually effective in reducing neurological symptoms due to pituitary enlargement, and frequently allows to avoid surgery. The disease-related deaths were due to acute adrenal insufficiency or ineffectively treated hypopituitarism. We are reporting a clinical case of probable lymphocytic hypophysitis in the early post partum of a woman with depression and Graves disease. She has hyperprolactinemia and ACTH deficiency, without pituitary changes in the magnetic resonance imaging. She was treated and her depression and hyperthyroidism were relieved. Hyperprolactinemia recovered spontaneously but she still needs glucocorticoid substitution.
- Polimorfismos do gene CYP2D6 estão associados a uma susceptibilidade para os tumores da hipófisePublication . Gomes, L; Lemos, MC; Paiva, I; Ribeiro, C; Carvalheiro, M; Regateiro, FJSeveral polymorphisms of drug-metabolizing enzymes have been implicated in the susceptibility to tumor development. The role of the CYP2D6, GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes has been extensively studied, with alleles conferring different metabolic efficiencies and tumor risk. We studied the relationship between the main polymorphisms of these genes and the susceptibility to develop pituitary tumors, by performing a case-control study comprising 235 patients and 256 controls which were genotyped by means of PCR-RFLP based assays. Frequencies of the CYP2D6*1 and of the poor metabolizer allele CYP2D6*4, were determined along with the frequencies of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes. CYP2D6 genotype frequencies were similar in patients and controls (p=0.087). CYP2D6*1 and CYP2D6*4 allele frequencies were 83.8%, 16.2% in cases and 78.3%, 21.7% in controls, showing a significant difference between the two groups (p=0.012). There were no significant differences between the frequencies of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes in both groups. No association was found between histological type and any of the studied polymorphisms. Our data suggest an association of the CYP2D6*1 allele and the susceptibility to pituitary adenomas, which could be due to an increased metabolism of unidentified procarcinogens or to linkage disequilibrium with another gene involved in pituitary tumorigenesis.
- Radioterapia em tumores hipofisáriosPublication . Baptista, C; Paiva, I; Gomes, L; Gomes, F; Carvalheiro, M; Ruas, AThe aim of this study is to evaluate the use of conventional external radiotherapy in patients with pituitary adenomas. Between October 1970 and May 1998, 27 patients with pituitary adenoma were followed at the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes of the Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra. They received radiation therapy at Instituto Português de Oncologia. Seven of those tumors were classified as nonfunctioning adenomas, 17 as growth-hormone-secreting adenomas, 2 as prolactinomas and 1 as adrenocorticotropic adenoma. Twenty-six patients received radiation as adjuvant therapy after incomplete resection and one patient as primary treatment. The majority of these cases were treated using the parallel opposed-field technique with a total dose between 45 and 52 Gy. The patients were submitted, before and after radiotherapy, to a protocol in order to assess the efficacy of this treatment. Some of the results were analyzed. Reduction of tumor mass was achieved in 66.6% of nonfunctioning tumors and in 25% of the secreting ones. Reduction or stabilization of hormonal levels was achieved in 55% of the cases and normalization in 30%. The average duration of follow-up was 126.3 months. Complications observed: hypopituitarism, stroke (3 patients), cerebral edema (1 patient), memory loss (2 patients) and hearing loss (2 patients). None of the patients developed brain tumors
- Resistência à hormonas tiroideiasPublication . Santos, J; Paiva, I; Carvalheiro, M
- Síndroma de Cushing ACTH-dependente: estudo retrospectivoPublication . Paiva, I; Ribeiro, C; Gomes, L; Baptista, C; Gomes, F; Rito, M; Rebelo, O; Marnoto, D; Moura, C; Leitão, F; Carvalheiro, MAIM: To evaluate the characteristics and outcomes of the patients diagnosed as ACTH-dependent Cushing syndrome, registered in the department. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We reviewed the files of forty-three patients followed from 1974 to 2002. RESULTS: A progressive rise in the number of patients diagnosed was found, being 80% females. Clinical suspicion was based mostly on the typical fat distribution; hirsutism and amenorrhoea were important in women. The more reliable diagnostic tests were: 11 pm cortisol, day curve of ACTH and cortisol, and dexamethasone suppression tests. The ACTH response to CRH during inferior petrosal sinus sampling permitted the diagnosis of ectopic source. In thirty-seven patients a pituitary adenoma was diagnosed. The three patients diagnosed before 1985 went for bilateral adrenalectomy (Nelson's syndrome in two); the others were submitted to transsphenoidal pituitary adenomectomy, obtaining remission in twenty six at the first operation and in two others at the second. Three patients had a recidive. Of the six patients with persistent disease (all treated with metyrapone or ketoconazole), three were submitted to radiotherapy, two to bilateral adrenalectomy, and one was waiting for surgery. Four patients had a bronchial carcinoid, successfully removed in three. One patient was lost to follow-up and another was still being evaluated. CONCLUSIONS: We found a positive evolution in the capacity to diagnose and treat these patients. Neurosurgical ability to achieve remission was 80% in the operated cases. More effective technical methods and drugs, as well as a multidisciplinary and dedicated medical team, lead to long lasting remissions in most of the patients.
- Terapêutica farmacológica da doença de CushingPublication . Paiva, I; Ribeiro, CThe curative treatment of Cushing's disease is surgery, mainly transphenoidal surgery. The cure probability is high and the risks or complications are few. However, pharmacotherapy is necessary while localisation of the secreting tumour is not achieved, when there is persistence of hypercortisolism after surgery, or while waiting for effectiveness of radiotherapy. We review the existing drugs, their characteristics, mechanisms of action, doses and specific indications.