Andrade, PMariano, AFigueiredo, A2010-12-022010-12-022010Dermatol Online J. 2010 Sep 15;16(9):5. report the case of a 30-year-old woman presenting with a single, deep, asymptomatic frontal ulcer that had developed in the previous two months without preceding trauma. Blood tests revealed reactive Rapid Plasma Reagin and Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assays. The diagnosis of syphilitic gumma was confirmed after histological analysis of the ulcer border. No other manifestations of late syphilis were detected. Ulcer healing was observed after treatment with benzathine penicillin and there was progressive reduction of follow-up serum RPR titers. The relevance of this case arises from its unusual presentation in a previously healthy immunocompetent individual.engSífilis CutâneaÚlcera da PeleSolitary frontal ulcer: A syphilitic gummajournal article