Coutinho, MInês, LMalcata, AB2009-08-312009-08-312009Acta Med Port. 2009 ;22(2):405-408 pain is a frequent complaint in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). The authors describe the case of a 33-year-old SLE female patient, followed in their rheumatology clinic, who presented with acute and diffuse abdominal pain, vomiting and diffuse rebound tenderness at abdominal examination. Abdominal ultrasound and CT scans showed small bowel wall thickening, with target sign on the CT scan, which suggested the diagnosis of Lupus Enteritis. The patient was treated with high-dose corticosteroids, with rapid resolution of all abdominal abnormalities. Lupus Enteritis is a rare complication of SLE, due to intestinal small-vessel vasculitis. It is a very serious complication of SLE, but the prognosis can be greatly improved with early diagnosis and adequate treatment, as in the case presented here.porDor AbdominalLúpus Eritematoso SistémicoEnteriteDor abdominal por enterite lúpica: causa rara de uma queixa frequenteAbdominal pain due to lupus enteritis: a rare cause for a frequent complaintjournal article