Moura, DLMónico, JFreitas, JFigueiredo, A2020-05-282020-05-282015Case Rep Int 2015;4:52–56 Penetrating pelvic trauma is rare and presents as one of the most difficult challenges to trauma surgeons. Case Report: We present an unusual case of a 23-year-old male suffering a penetrating pelvic trauma by a projected metal wire. The wire was found in intrapelvic location, caused no internal organs injury and was safelyremoved using a Pfannenstiel extended approach. Conclusion: Preoperative assessment of foreign body position is mandatory to set-up an efficient surgical procedure. The surgeon must have a profound knowledge of pelvic anatomy in order to choose the best option for the foreign body removal without any iatrogenic lesions.engCorpos EstranhosFerimentos PenetrantesPelvis/lesõesIntrapelvic trauma by metallic wire: Surgical challenges facedjournal article