Buynzeel, DPFergunson, JAndersen, KEGonçalo, MargaridaEnglish, JGoossens, AHozle, EIbbotson, SHLecha, MLehman, PLeonard, FMoseley, HPigatto, PTanew, AEuropean Taskforce for Photopatch Testing2010-03-102010-03-102004J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2004 Nov;18(6):679-82. group of interested European Contact Dermatologists/Photobiologists met to produce a consensus statement on methodology, test materials and interpretation of photopatch testing. While it is recognized that a range of local variables operate throughout Europe, the underlying purpose of the work is to act as an essential preamble to a Pan European Photopatch Test Study focusing particularly on sunscreen chemicals.engDermatite FotoalérgicaTestes CutâneosProtectores SolaresPhotopatch testing: a consensus methodology for Europejournal article