Marconi, LGorin, MAAllaf, ME2015-06-232015-06-232015Curr Urol Rep. 2015 Apr;16(4):23. d ensure the early detection of recurrent disease, all patients should undergo routine surveillance following partial nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma. In order to optimize resource allocation and avoid unnecessary radiation exposure, the frequency and duration of surveillance should be tailored to the individual patient's risk of cancer recurrence. The evidence for surveillance after partial nephrectomy is presented reviewing the current literature on prognostic models and proposed surveillance protocols based on the timing and patterns of renal cell carcinoma recurrence. In addition, we review recent guidelines on post partial nephrectomy surveillance as well as the literature on novel imaging techniques that may aid in early disease discovery.engCarcinoma de CĂ©lulas RenaisNefrectomiaRecidiva Local de NeoplasiaPost partial nephrectomy surveillance imaging: an evidence-based approach.journal article