Carvalho, SBrito, OMachado, ESantos, NMelo Freitas, PBento, CSantana, ISales, FMartins, F2011-10-242011-10-242001Acta Med Port. 2001 Jan-Feb;14(1):103-6. article reviews Malformations of Cortical Development (MCD) diagnosed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in a series of patients with epilepsy. This study spans a five year period. The frequency of these malformations was 7.1%. Most of these were focal or multifocal and the most common ones were polymicrogyria (35.3% of the patients), heterotopia (29.4%), and focal cortical dysplasia (29.4%). The frontal lobes were the most frequently affected regions. The various MCD encountered reflect the wide spectrum of MCD leading to epilepsy.porEpilepsiaCórtex CerebralRessonância MagnéticaMalformações do desenvolvimento cortical em doentes com epilepsia: estudo neurorradiológico de 17 casosMalformations in cortical development in patients with epilepsy. Neuroimaging of 17 casesjournal article