Costa, FTeles, PNogueira, ABarreto, ASantos, A ICarvalho, AMartins, BOliveira, CGaspar, CBarros, CNeves, DCosta, DRodrigues, EGodinho, FAlves, FCardoso, GCantinho, GConde, IVale, JSantos, JIsidoro, JPereira, JSalgado, LRézio, MVieira, MSimãozinho, PAlmeida, PCastro, RParafita, RPintão, SLúcio, TReis, TVaz, P2016-05-062016-05-062015Rev Esp Med Nucl Imagen Mol. 2015 Jan-Feb;34(1):1-8. 2009-2010 a Portuguese consortium was created to implement the methodologies proposed by the Dose Datamed II (DDM2) project, aiming to collect data from diagnostic X-ray and nuclear medicine (NM) procedures, in order to determine the most frequently prescribed exams and the associated ionizing radiation doses for the Portuguese population. The current study is the continuation of this work, although it focuses only on NM exams for the years 2011 and 2012.engPortugalDosagem de RadiaçãoMedicina NuclearEstimation of the collective ionizing dose in the Portuguese population for the years 2011 and 2012, due to nuclear medicine examsjournal article10.1016/j.remn.2014.03.009