Mourão, AFSantos, MJMelo-Gomes, JMartins, FMCosta, JARamos, FBrito, IDuarte, CFigueira, RFigueiredo, GFurtado, CLopes, AOliveira, MRodrigues, ASalgado, MSousa, MBranco, JFonseca, JECanhão, H2016-11-252016-11-252014-04Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2014 Apr;66(4):585-91. aims were to evaluate the correlation between Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score 27-joint reduced count (JADAS27) with erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and JADAS27 with C-reactive protein (CRP) scores and to test the agreement of both scores on classifying each disease activity state. We also aimed at verifying the correlation of the 2 scores across juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) categories and to check the correlation between JADAS27-ESR and clinical JADAS27 (JADAS27 without ESR).engAdolescenteArtrite JuvenileBiomarcadoresProteína C-ReactivaMediadores da InflamaçãoArticulaçõesUsing the Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score based on erythrocyte sedimentation rate or C-reactive protein level: results from the Portuguese registerjournal article10.1002/acr.22215