Carrilho, F2008-11-282008-11-282003Acta Med Port. 2003 Sep-Oct;16(5):353-4 author refers Graves' disease as the second most common cause of post-partum thyroid dysfunction. It is more common a long term persistence of hyperthyroidism but a transitory hyperthyroidism can be also possible. The disease hypothalamus/hypophysis can also be responsible for the post-partum thyroid dysfunction, even though it is extremely rare. The auto-immunity of hypophysis plus Sheehan syndrome are two main reasons for hypothyroidism, associated with other hypophysis hormones production deficit.porDoenças da TiróideAlterações no PuerpérioOutras disfunções tiroideias do pós-partoOther postpartum thyroid dysfunctionsjournal article