Marques, JPAzenha, CFigueira, J2016-10-262016-10-262015European Ophthalmic Review, 2015;9(1):56–8 microincision vitrectomy surgery (MIVS) has grown increasingly popular among vitreoretinal surgeons over the last few years. Technical advances have led to the development of cutting-edge vitrectomy systems and instruments that significantly contributed to the success of MIVS. Trocar evolution has added extra safeness and effectiveness to the technique. In the hands of an experienced surgeon, microincision vitrectomy trocars offer a new range of applications that can redefine surgical practices and facilitate otherwise complex surgical techniques.engMicrocirurgiaVitrectomiaCirurgia VitreorretinianaMicroincision Vitrectomy Trocars – Redefining Surgical Practices Through a New Range of Applicationsjournal article