Fonseca, DAAntunes, PEAntunes, MJCotrim, MD2019-03-072019-03-072019PLoS One. 2019 Jan 25;14(1):e0211421. this study, we aimed at performing a histomorphometric analysis of human left internal thoracic artery (ITA) samples as well as at correlating the histomorphometric findings with the clinical profile, including risk factors and medication. Distal segments of ITA were obtained from 54 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Histological observation was performed in paraffin-embedded transverse sections of ITA through four staining protocols: hematoxylin-eosin, van Gieson, Masson's trichrome and von Kossa. Morphometric analysis included the intimal width (IW), medial width (MW) and intima/media ratio (IMR). No overt atherosclerotic lesions were observed. Mild calcifications were observed across the vascular wall layers in almost all samples. Multivariable linear regression analysis showed associations between IW and IMR and the following clinical variables: age, gender, kidney function expressed as eGFR and myocardial infarction history. Age (odds ratio = 1.16, P = 0.004), female gender (odds ratio = 11.34, P = 0.011), eGFR (odds ratio = 1.03, P = 0.059) and myocardial infarction history (odds ratio = 4.81, P = 0.040) were identified as the main clinical predictors for intimal hyperplasia. Preatherosclerotic lesions in ITA samples from patients undergoing coronary revascularization were associated not only with classical cardiovascular risk factors such as age and gender, but also with other clinical variables, namely kidney function and myocardial infarction history.engFactores de RiscoArtéria Torácica InternaDoença das Artérias CoronáriasHistomorphometric analysis of the human internal thoracic artery and relationship with cardiovascular risk factorsjournal article10.1371/journal.pone.0211421