Baptista, CBastos, MPaiva, SMartins, TLeitão, PLemos, MCAlves, RBastos, CMota, ACarvalheiro, MFurtado, ALRuas, A2009-05-252009-05-252002Acta Med Port. 2002 Jan-Feb;15(1):5-10 May 1990 and October 1998, 67 diabetic patients with end-stage renal disease, on dialysis, were submitted to a standardized protocol in order to assess the coexistence and degree of other diabetic and nondiabetic complications that could affect transplantation. Some of the results were analysed. Type 2 diabetic patients had more abnormal results on the lower limbs doppler ultrasound and on the lower limbs arteriography than type 1 (p < 0.05). Type 2 diabetic patients had more cardiovascular complications so the decision to transplant should be taken on a case by case basis.porNefropatia DiabéticaTransplantação de RimNefropatia diabética: protocolo de estudo pré-transplantação renalDiabetic nephropathy. Study protocol for pre-kidney transplantationjournal article