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Angioplastia Coronária Electiva e Primária em Hospitais sem Cirurgia Cardíaca On-site

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INTRODUCTION: Current European clinical guidelines do not restrict interventional cardiology at centers without on-site surgical backup, but disagreement still exists whether hospitals with cardiac catheterization laboratories, but without on-site cardiac surgery, should develop percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) programs. Technical improvements in equipment and pharmacologic adjunctive therapy have increased the safety margins of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac catheterization and more than half of the patients treated by PCI in Portugal are treated at hospitals without on-site cardiac surgery. OBJECTIVES: We set out to compare clinical outcomes of elective and primary PCI for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction at centers without on-site cardiac surgery with those at centers with on-site cardiac surgery. METHODS: Based on the Portuguese Registry of Interventional Cardiology, we retrospectively reviewed a total of 13,235 PCI procedures performed from January 2002 to June 2006 and compared the results for 7,112 patients treated at hospitals without on-site cardiac surgery with 6,123 patients treated at hospitals with on-site cardiac surgery. RESULTS: Demographic data were similar, with a mean age of 64 (55-72) vs. 63 (54-71) years, 75% vs. 76% male and 25.0% vs. 24.2% with diabetes respectively at centers without and with on-site surgical backup. Hospital mortality at centers without and with on-site surgical backup respectively was: chronic angina: 0.3% vs. 0.3% (NS); acute coronary syndromes: 1.5% vs. 1.0% (NS); acute myocardial infarction with ST elevation and without cardiogenic shock: 4.0% vs. 5.0% (NS); cardiogenic shock: 50.9% vs. 53.4% (NS). CONCLUSIONS: Similar clinical outcomes for interventional cardiology were achieved at hospitals without on-site cardiac surgery and those with on-site cardiac surgery. In the era of coronary stents, adjunctive therapy and experienced operators, elective and primary PCI can safely be performed without on-site surgical backup.



Angioplastia Coronária de Balão


Rev Port Cardiol. 2008;27(6):769-82.

Research Projects

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Journal Issue


Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia


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